Adelphi Press Day
By Elaine Ching
Volume 3 Issue 3
February 24, 2023

Image provided by North Student
On February 17th, the staff of North High School’s School News and Literary Magazine, North Star and POLARIS, went to Adelphi University in Garden City to participate in Adelphi’s Press Day, an event in which school newspapers from all over Long Island and beyond gather to work with college professors, collaborate in workshops, and learn how to better their journalistic skills. North students got to dive into the topic of newspapers moving from print to online, the theme of this year’s Adelphi Press Day.
Starting off the event, students were sat in the Ruth S. Harley University center. They listened to guest speaker, Chris Corry, a renowned and experienced journalist. Along with other speakers were the Editor In Chief and faculty advisor from Lynbrook High School’s award-winning newspaper, The Horizon. Speakers shared their experiences with the press to further inspire student journalists. After a Q&A with the panel of speakers, students were sent off to participate in two workshops of their choice.
For their first workshop, North students participated in #AUPressDay Photo Challenge with Chris Corry, in which students got to learn some fundamentals of photography such as the rule of thirds. In addition, they were taught how to take the best photos, just by using cameras available to them, their cellphone cameras. Students went around campus taking photos and then later reviewed them with other students.
For their second workshop, the North Star staff split into two groups. One group going to Finding Ideas: From the News Pages to the Book workshop with Paul Thaler, a professor at Adelphi, where they were discussed how to best use their journalistic skills in order to write for the newspaper and to further improve their writing skills. The other group went to the Share Your Online Successes/ Missteps, where they collaborated with other students in order to discuss their newspaper’s online presence. Due to North Star being an online-only publication, North Star staff took the opportunity to display their website for the other schools.
After both workshops, students were provided with lunch by Adelphi and got to watch the Quill Awards, an Awards ceremony where Adelphi chooses school newspaper schools to be honored with wins in categories such as “Best Layout”, a prize North Star has taken home in the past.

News Editor, Everton Prospere, shows the North Star website to other students along with Shinedip Kundlas, Editor in Chief, Kimberly Shrestha, Art Editor, and Christina Ossa, Feature Editor. (Names listed from right to left).

Entertainment and Media Editor, Alain Deen, takes a photo of Elyas Layachi, Managing Editor, taking a photo of Everton Prospere, News Editor, during the #AUPressDay Photo Challenge workshop. Photo taken by Augustine Magapan, North Star staff.

Manal Layachi, North Star staff, Elaine Ching, Social Media Manager, Navrosedip Kundlas, POLARIS Editor, and Kimberly Shrestha, Art Editor in the Ruth S. Harley University center. (Names listed from left to right) Photo taken by Shinedip Kundlas, Editor in Chief.

North Star staff members, Nora Chery, Rachel Ezeadichie, and Manal Layachi in the Ruth S. Harley University center waiting for the event to start. (Names listed from left to right).