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Holidays Near and Far

By Ismela Andre

Volume 3 Issue 2

December 23, 2022

Holidays Near and Far

Image provided by Wikipedia

All around the world, there are multiple traditions and religions; however, have you ever thought about how each age group celebrates the holiday? There are many different age ranges worldwide, and each age level celebrates a holiday in separate ways. For example, in elementary school, children love to draw pictures or create gingerbread houses for Christmas. They develop multiple crafts and write beautiful letters. Meanwhile, high school students do other things. High school students love to host concerts, and friend “get-togethers” and give gifts to their friends and family. Since their maturity level is higher, many tend to distance themselves from their family. However, according to statistics, college students are the opposite. They tend to eagerly want to come home to their families, especially the students that study far from home. All students may have different ways of celebrating, but the holidays are meant for coming together and having fun! 

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