Interview With Football Managers
Rehmat Kaur
Volume 4 Issue 2
January 16, 2024

Image provided by Rehmat Kaur with Rehmat Kaur, Paul Amato, Marcia Salinas, Ava Hinson, Darwin Hinson and Thomas Vendome, (not pictured: Sophia Song)
I had the opportunity to interview the managers of our varsity football team. Ava Hinson, Darwin Hinson, Marcia Salinas, Thomas Vendome, and Paul Amato are among the managers. They were highly intriguing individuals, and it was amazing to learn more about their experiences.
They wanted to be managers so that they could participate in more school events, which would keep them engaged. “My brother was a manager before me; he did it for four years, so I followed the way” Thomas Vendome shared. Most of them are in their first year, but Thomas has been a manager since eighth grade. The most difficult aspect of being a manager is understanding everything. “I’m still learning to this day,” said Marcia Salinas. There is always more that can be done and learned to contribute and have a positive impact.
Their greatest skill as sports managers is their incredible relationships with the other managers. They are the best choices for this position since they are eager to learn and contribute in any way they can. They assist in bringing out the water, putting equipment away, and doing anything the coaches ask of them to provide or support the team. In addition to loading the jugs, bottles, and carts into the buses for away games, “I help with the sound like music during the games, and I set up headsets for the coaches” Vendome said. Through their experiences, they learn more about football and the effort that goes into winning games to improve their sports management abilities. According to our managers, outstanding leaders can guide where and what everyone needs to do.
Their relationships with the coaches, players, and other managers are good, as they all work together to build a talented team. “We’re friends outside of being managers, so it’s even better” Salinas added. They deal with negative environments when the team loses by not mentioning the loss: “We would not want to think more negatively than what has already happened. All that is possible is to keep your head up and continue” she said.
According to the managers, the trips are fun. There are always two buses, and they can usually pick which one to go on and whom to sit with. There is no risk in becoming a manager, but it’s definitely a commitment. They must be committed to showing up to delayed games, going to every practice, and especially being on time. “You really should not be doing any other clubs or sports while being a manager. (Not saying do not do more for the year but wait till the season is over!)” Salinas advised.
Managers do not help with any medical injuries when a player gets hurt. As managers, they do not have first-aid kits. The great athletic trainer, Jen, brings all the safety equipment in case of any injury.
They definitely recommend being a manager. “It opens room for more relationships to form and helps students be more sociable. All grades are welcome!” Salinas said. According to the managers, there are no other requirements besides handing in your physical to participate. Someone looking for a manager position can always chat Mr. Paolillo on Teams.