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Entertainment & Media

First Song Recommendations of the Issue

By Logan Balsan

Volume 1 Issue 7

April 22, 2021

First Song Recommendations of the Issue

Image provided by MacNews

Hello, Entertainment section! I’m Logan Balsan, with a new idea for a running article in this section: song recommendations.  I am a member of both North’s Band and Orchestra, and I love playing and listening to several music genres, from classical music to the modern day. I am sure you can add a new song to your workout playlist or to your casual listening playlist from this list. I will be writing in each issue of the North Star until June, so each article will have five songs that I personally recommend.

Song #1-

I first started listening to this song when a friend recommended it to me. One of the most popular Beach Boys hits, whether you are actually on the beach, or longing for summer to come, this song can fill that void. With the catchy and groovy guitar riff played multiple times throughout the song, you can totally feel the beat and sing along to this song. This is also on the Varsity Boys Volleyball Warmup Playlist.

Song #2-

This is personally one of the songs I listen to while I drive to and from school. The drum set and the guitar riffs in the beginning set the tone for the rest of the song. First introduced to this song over the summer of 2020, I have grown to enjoy several of E.L.O’s songs, and “Don’t Bring Me Down” my favorite. I sing along whenever it comes on, and it’s even on my workout playlist.

Song #3-

I started listening to this song almost two weeks ago, and I mainly do so while working out as well as on my car playlist. This song motivates me and helps me raise my mindset whether it be prior to a volleyball game or the end of a workout set. This is also on the Varsity Boys Volleyball Warmup Playlist.

Song #4-

I first heard this song on Channel 25, aka Classic Rewind, on the radio as my family and I were travelling home from a trip to Pennsylvania in February. I listen to this song more when I’m winding down or ending a long day at school or work. The acoustic guitar is not as intense or heavy as the electric guitars in both “I Get Around” and “Don’t Bring Me Down,” and is therefore more soothing and comforting. Sometimes I listen to this on my way home from school or work when I want to relax and unwind.

Song #5-

Any fellow fans of country rock? This isn’t Johnny Cash, but it’s one of my favorites that I sing along to often in the car. The profound use (and battle of) of violins bring out the old country style in this song. If you like country rock and haven’t heard of this song, I highly recommend you check this out!

Alright, folks. That’s a wrap for my first song recommendation article. See you next issue!




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