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By Manal Layachi

Volume 3 Issue 3

February 24, 2023


Original artwork by Hannah Lee

On Saturday, February 5th, 2023, the 67th annual Long Island String Festival Association concert took place at Uniondale High School. Long Island’s best orchestra players performed beautifully on stage. Seniors Elyas Layachi (12th grade) and Hannah Lee (12th grade) were selected to participate in this festival. I interviewed both of them about their experience of playing in the LIFSA orchestra. 


Elyas’s Responses: 

What made you choose your instrument in elementary school? 

“I originally wanted to list the trumpet as my first choice, followed by the violin, and then percussion, but my dad convinced me that the violin should be my first choice because ‘it can play a wide range of songs.’” 


How did you feel when you got selected for LISFA? 

“I was very excited! I’ve heard of the festival since the fifth grade, and knew it was very hard to get into, so being selected was an absolute honor.” 


How did it feel to have five-hour rehearsals? 

“They were tiring, but by the second rehearsal I was used to it. I found it fun to work on music with people I did not know, and I was able to make some cool friends.” 


How did you feel when you were performing on stage? 

“It felt amazing. I felt very connected to the music and the group as a whole, and I had so much fun!” 


Did you like the music selections? 

“Yes, they were great selections and so much fun to prepare and perform.” 


What was your favorite part of LISFA? 

“My favorite part of LISFA was the performance for sure.” 


Do you plan on playing your instrument for the rest of your life? 

“I most certainly do! I hope to join an orchestra in college and continue taking lessons, as well as hopefully playing in a community orchestra after college.” 


What does music mean to you? 

“Music is a way of expressing myself in ways other than verbally and physically, and I find learning and playing music fun, challenging, and rewarding!” 




Hannah’s Responses: 


What made you choose your instrument in elementary school? 

“Honestly, I didn’t choose the violin in elementary school. I actually chose the flute in 4th grade. I had been taking private lessons for the violin and continued to play it in the school because the music teacher, Ms. Shannon, offered for me to join the elementary school orchestra.” 


How did you feel when you got selected for LISFA? 

“I was really excited when I was chosen for LISFA. It hadn’t been held since I was in ninth grade, since before COVID. I was so excited because to me it meant two things. The first is that the world was slowly returning to the state it had been in before COVID. The second was that I would be able to see people I had met in prior years at LISFA.”  

How did it feel to have five-hour rehearsals? 

“The five-hour rehearsals were so tiring. It was very draining to have the rehearsal for that long of a time period. However, I think it was worth it, as we sounded really great afterward! I also bonded with my stand partner during both rehearsals, which was nice!” 


How did you feel when you were performing on stage? 

“Performing on stage was wonderful. The exhilaration of playing in front of an audience and producing music that I had practiced for weeks on end and spent hours on was amazing. It was very exciting and a lot of fun!”  

Did you like the music selections? 

“I liked the music selections a lot. They chose good music; it gave interesting parts to all sections of the orchestra. My part was not too difficult, but still fun to play.” 


What was your favorite part of LISFA? 

“My favorite part of LISFA was talking to my stand partner in between section rehearsals. When the conductor was talking to other sections, I would whisper to my stand partner, which helped us get to know each other and bond a lot!” 


Do you plan on playing your instrument for the rest of your life?

 “I don’t know if I plan on playing it for the rest of my life. I will definitely play in college and join the orchestra there. However, beyond that I’m not sure if I’m going to continue to play. Perhaps I will for the fun of it, perhaps I won’t. Only time will tell!”  

What does music mean to you? 

“Music is a form of release. It’s always a good way to get rid of pent-up emotions. Transferring them into your playing is a wonderful way of creating expressive music and having an outlet for your emotions. I love music because it’s a sanctuary where I can let my emotions flow through the piece I’m working on.” 


The performance was incredible and breathtaking. Be sure to congratulate Elyas and Hannah on their amazing accomplishment. GO SPARTANS! 




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