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New Faculty Piece

By Jeselys Vazquez

Volume 3 Issue 3

February 24, 2023

New Faculty Piece

Original artwork by Jeselys Vazquez

Throughout the time Mr. Chung started working at North, he helped all kinds of members of the school, including students, faculty, and staff, with various computer problems: for example, faulty touchscreens, broken keyboards, nonfunctioning microphones, and charging issues. The common issues he comes across are students needing to remember their laptops, missing styluses, and the consistency of students needing a laptop charger. He has found that our WIFI availability affected the school’s operations for many students. 

With all the fixing and rebooting in our school, there are so many things he loves about North, and he has many goals to make it even better with his talent and willingness to help. Mr. Chung said, “My goals at North are not only limited to the Technology Department. Initially, during the job search process, I was looking to teach Math or Computer Science in some capacity. After my corporate job, I got a teacher assistant certification so I can be in a school and be allowed in classrooms. I am open and will consider all teaching opportunities.” There are many areas he can help in, not only in the tech department. One of the things he loves about North is that throughout his day, he enjoys when he gets to communicate and have conversations normally with students about life and anything they need help with; he managed to have connected with most of the school and about 30% of the faculty members.  

Fun fact, he has been taking Spanish 1.2 with a class of 8th graders to communicate fluently and help those in need of translation. His goal this year is for our school community at North to have the best-running tech service department, have everything at our disposal, and ensure for all of us a smooth operational technology. Also, specifically going into details on what sprung his confidence and interest here, he says, “I got this job coming out of retirement 18 months ago from a corporate Technology job, and it still feels like I am in retirement. At VSN, I got free access to the gym, free Spanish lessons, a parking lot, wonderful community, conversations, and get paid for this.” There is no number to put the amazing things North has brought to him and what he loves about it, but it has impacted him positively. He says, “It brought a wonderful community and people into my life, and this makes being here a lot of fun, and did I mention I get paid to be here.” 




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