P.S. I Love You Week
By Everton Prospere
Volume 2 Issue 4
February 10, 2022

Image provided by P.S. I Love You Day
The Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) and the Wellness Center are working side-by-side to host Valley Stream North’s first P.S. I Love You Week, a time that brings awareness to mental health and bullying. Traditionally a single day, both organizations agreed to extend the celebration to an entire week from February 7th through the 11th. With a pandemic that has brought many extra hardships for students, the week seeks to bring love and joy to the entire North community.
On April 23rd, 2010, the DiPalma family faced devastating news. The father of the family, Joseph DiPalma, committed suicide. This tragedy left a gaping hole within those who knew Joseph, particularly within Brooke DiPalma, his daughter. Rather than letting such a horrific event happen again, Brooke took action and worked with her family, school, and peers to annually designate February 11th as a day to ensure that no one ever feels alone. As the organization’s website states, “Tragedy should not be the force for togetherness; togetherness should be the force that ends tragedies.” P.S. I Love You Day is a day of togetherness, a day that will unite North and spread love to all.
The SADD club and Wellness Center have planned several activities for the days leading up to February 11th in order to promote the event throughout the entire school:
1. The TikTok Challenge - This creative competition requires participation from all Spartans. Ending on February 9th, Spartans are encouraged to make creative videos on TikTok that bring awareness to mental health and bullying. The videos can include dances, pieces of art, or any creative media that promotes P.S. I Love You Week. The TikToks, which the administration will judge, can be made alone or in groups, with the winner receiving a $25 gift card.
2. Grade Level Purple Clothing Challenge - On February 11th, all the grades will compete against each other based on purple clothing. To participate, students should wear a purple article of clothing on the 11th to show support to P.S. I Love You Week. The grade level that collectively wears the most purple articles will receive recognition and a special award to their grade council.
3. Supportive Post-it Note Messages - Various clubs will come together on February 10th after school to make post-it notes with supportive messages. Every single locker will receive a personalized note, so all students are encouraged to visit their lockers on February 11th.
The SADD club and Wellness Center hope that the North community comes together for this important cause with these events. This will, hopefully, be the start of an annual tradition at Valley Stream North. Mark your calendars for the first P.S. I Love You Week, from February 7th to the 11th!