prejudice tastes like apple pie
By Lucy Wu
Volume 2 Issue 3
January 14, 2022

Image provided by Pinterest
are our apples
not the same?
i concede
our exteriors
may not match
you arrive
from neighboring orchards
while i
may still be
from my journey
if i wield
a knife
slicing through
translucent veins
and thin skin
wouldn’t you agree
we are the same?
seventeen years ago
my mother
sowed her seeds
passed down
from her family
a figment
of her mother
in a fertile
promised land
she spread her roots
and eventually
without fear
my belonging
a trellis
pale petals
wrapped around
her backbone
after sunset
i built palisades
her fragile sapling
from unforgiving wind
the piercing stares
so she could
and flourish
each year
come gentle spring
her tree bloomed
borne from sacrifice
watered with tears
and we reaped
her ripened fruit
its sweetness
in one day
you intruded
on our garden
ravaging her tree
drowning her roots
breaking her branches
in insult
and scorn
what’s more
you claim
her lovely apples
my apples
as your own
a product
of your generosity
fallen from
the tree
that once was
small and shriveled
pale jade
and longing
there’s nothing left
to promise me
her daughter
how dare you
cut down
my mother’s tree
you take a bite
but i hope
you choke
i walk to the market
looking for apples
scouring the aisles
peering at the mountains
it’s easy
to spot the bruised
with their browned skin
sunken in
i avoid those
and you do too
i handpick
just a few
with crisp sides
taut and overflowing
with their juices
permitting myself
to believe
they’ll be perfect
but i’m no fool
i show you
i drag my blade
piercing the core
and examine
for rotting interiors
and disposing
rinse and repeat
you follow my lead
some elude me
the most deceiving
are the ones
that appear perfect
both inside and out
they make it
all the way
into the oven
seeping their spoiled
rancid juices
into my crust
my foundation
at the table
only i
notice the fragrance
wafting in the air
is wrong
it’s faint
but brimming with malice
spiced with hate
that’s the thing they don’t tell you
about prejudice
and pie
the apples seem fine
so naively
you taste them
and then
they reveal
their true flavors
only in the critical moments
in solitude
after the pie
whisked away
you’ll realize
in your throat
the aftertaste
souring bitterness
lingers forever
it’s a shock
when my tongue
deludes my eyes
nothing similar
in the slightest
i should warn you
it’s an acquired taste
one you develop
after years of picking them
letting them
ruin your pies
it’s subtle
their acridness
so potent to me
i hope
maybe someday
you’ll taste it too
and possess
the wherewithal
to say something
but until then
i do not betray truth
i cut
a generous slice
a smile
through my salty tears
it’s delicious