Senior Advice
By Alicja Paruch
Volume 2 Issue 7
June 13, 2022

Image provided by Lawson State Community College
As another school year comes to an end, and the senior class approaches graduation, they would like to share some life and school advice with the underclassmen. We hope the knowledge we have gathered in the past 12 years of our education will help you and spark new hope into your lives.
“If you’re studying past 12, you’re probably not absorbing the information anymore” -Jack Schwabe
“Esta avise es para todo el mundo, pero más para personas que allá llegado de otros países, la mejor manera de conocer gente es unirte a actividades después del colegio puede ser algún deporte, arte pero has lo que te gusta y vas a conocer mucha gente y recuerda nadie es superior o inferior que ti, tú eres el único que se da el valor que de verdad te mereces”
This advice is for the whole world, but more for the people who came from foreign countries. The best way to get to know people is to join after school activities, it can even be a sport, or art but do what you like and get to know many people and remember no one is superior or inferior to you. You are the only one who gives value and respect that YOU yourself deserve.”
-Joshua Montero
“Start your college essay over the summer and keep track of your deadlines.” - Tiffany Wong
“Don’t catch senioritis too early.” - Micaela Creo
“School is not a democracy.” - Lucy Wu
“Don’t worry about something you cannot control.” - Francheska Martin Quesada
“Be kind to everyone.” - Zohair Khan
“Enjoy every second because it goes by fast.” - Alex Benincasa
“Reuse your application supplements and keep them in one spot.” - Leema Caravan
“Take every opportunity you can and live every day to your fullest.” -Ian Ramos
“It’s better to try and fail than not try at all” and “The worst they can say is no.” - Eva Grace Martinez
“Live life to enjoy yourself, not to appease others.” - Afia Kapadwala
“Always remember there is a bigger picture.” - Daniel Ellis
“Don’t give up near the end, you’re so close!” - Disha Bhalla
“Live your life how you want and don’t let negative thoughts change it.” -Nimish Lotlikar
“Make wise choices and don’t fear mistakes.” - Ahmik Muhammad
“Don’t stress over a bad grade. When in doubt, don't send your SAT scores.” - Michael Munson
“Try to go to a lot of school events and make the most of your senior year.” - Karen Ye
“Don't be a tryhard. You’re more than a 100.” -Will Mullin
“Don’t forget to live and enjoy the present. Often it is very easy to get caught up in the thought of the future and forget about what is happening right now.” -Mari-Angeli Lugo
“Make sure to take the time and enjoy the little time you have left”- Jack DelCarpine
“Take every opportunity you get. You don’t want to be left with regrets” - Daniel Amin
“Do everything to the best of your ability.” - Matt Long
“It’s okay to rely on your friends; they’re all in the same boat.” - Ashrita Seelan
“Don’t run in the halls.” - Dahlia Valentin